Precision Investigations for a healthier home.
Why EnviroHealth?
EnviroHealth uses science-based investigation methods when investigating homes and buildings. We believe that this is the most thorough method for discovering issues, understanding the mechanisms that caused them, and creating accurate recommendations for resolution.
Utilizing the combined knowledge of engineering, chemistry, and microbiology is an uncommon practice in the industry and one that we pride ourselves on.
What is building forensics?
Building forensics is the investigation and diagnosis of problems in buildings related to performance, durability, and occupant health using building science. It involves identifying the root cause of issues such as moisture intrusion, mold growth, air quality problems, thermal inefficiencies, and more. Here’s a video on why building science is important to understand.
What Is a Mold Investigation?
Our process is a little different than that of standard mold inspectors. We focus on investigation rather than relying on testing. Take a look at this video to learn more from our indoor environmental scientist, Brantley May.
What Is an Indoor Environmental Investigation?
There are many more indoor air quality problems than mold. An indoor environmental investigation provides a more holistic view of potential pollutant and contaminant concerns in a home.
Want to learn more?
Explore our articles written by industry professionals.