Blower Door Testing in Jacksonville, FL

What is blower door testing?

Blower door testing is a process that allows us to determine the amount and location of air infiltration. Air infiltration is unconditioned, unwanted outside air entering your home. This unconditioned air can bring in all sorts of unwanted stuff from outside, such as the cold, heat, humidity, mold, pollen, attic fiberglass, dirt, and a variety of other nasty materials. These things can cause moisture issues and mold growth, decreasing your indoor air quality and reducing your home’s energy efficiency.

We perform building forensics on buildings that have building envelope issues in Jacksonville. Therefore, we see the costs involved with warranty companies, litigation, and labor. Doing a blower door test with a quality building analyst will mitigate those issues in the future.

The difference between our blower door tests and others?

When EnviroHealth runs blower door testing on your home in Jacksonville, we are able to determine how much leakage your house has, what effects it may have on the home, and where the leaks are coming from. This allows us to write a protocol on how to fix the issues, making your house more comfortable, safer, and more energy efficient.

Blower Door Testing in Jacksonville
blower door testing in Jacksonville

Contractors? Say less.

Are you looking for a certificate of occupancy? EnviroHealth performs code compliancy tests on new construction, giving you very clear and easy-to-read reports based on pass/fail testing. If a tests ever fails, you will receive a free consultation on how to quickly fix issues in a home that will improve its quality and get you ready for occupancy.

This is your path to tightness.